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a2b Fulfillment
Published on
July 1, 2010
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a2b Fulfillment, a third-party logistics provider with a specialty in value-added services, expandsits partnership with Orchard Brands catalog group’s Haband division. a2b provides outsourcedsupport for Quality Control, Repackaging and Label Compliance activities for soft and hardgoods.

“By partnering with a2b Fulfillment, we streamline our operation, allowing us to focus on ourcatalog operations. Our vendors benefit because a2b Fulfillment has the experience, skills andtrained labor to perform the receiving, storage, kitting, assembly, rework and reverse logisticstasks that are needed,” says Bill Bonzulak, VP of Operations for Orchard Brands.Haband has worked with a2b Fulfillment for 5 years. Each year the volume of work outsourced toa2b Fulfillment has increased. Today, nearly all of Haband’s outsourcing is performed by a2bFulfillment.

Ayal Latz, President of a2b Fulfillment commented, “We have grown the relationship with Habandand their vendors over the years because of the ever-growing understanding of the unique needsof all parties. We have proven that we can be flexible, consistently provide value and do so atlow cost to Haband and their vendors. Because we view this as an important element of ourbusiness, we’re always looking for ways to become more efficient and expand our valueproposition.”

Ravi Singh of LGP LTD, (www.lgpltd.com) one of Haband’s vendors commented, “Their closeproximity to Haband’s facilities and their wide variety of services made a2b Fulfillment an idealpartner when we were looking to streamline our procedures and become more cost efficient.”

Media Contact:
Gary Latz
Vice President – Marketing
a2b Fulfillment, Inc.
Tel. 706-454-0195 x 210

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