Debbie Skerly joins Ken Kerry for Webinar | a2b Fulfillment

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a2b Fulfillment
Published on
September 18, 2020
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Direct Response agency and infomercial production company Script to Screen will be hosting a “Thought Leader Thursday” webinar next Thursday, September 24th. Director Ken Kerry will welcome a2b Executive Vice President Debbie Skerly for the webinar titled DTC Secrets: Better P&L with the Right 3PL.

The webinar will be held Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. PT/ 1:00 p.m. ET and can be accessed here:

“This webinar will focus on the many advantages afforded by using outsourced third-party logistics in a DTC campaign,
says Kerry. “The bottom line is most marketers do not really understand the critical service back-end logistics that a DTC campaign requires. We believe that if we better educate them, they will quickly see the importance and value, especially when they realize key strategic maneuvers on the back-end can add to their bottom line.”

Kerry serves as Executive Producer and Executive Creative Director at Script to Screen, and his hands-on involvement ensures the highest production values are combined with solid Direct Response principles. He co-founded Script to Screen in 1986, along with his wife, Barbara.

“Debbie is an expert ecommerce fulfillment professional whose methods are at the leading edge of the industry,” said Kerry. “This webinar will help both companies selling direct to consumer and those shipping to retailers improve their logistics, making their processes more efficient and effective.”

Profile Picture of Debbie Skerly

Debbie Skerly is the Executive Vice President of a2b Fulfillment, where she works to provide customized business support solutions for marketers seeking order fulfillment, customer care and value-adding business solutions. She joined a2b in 2011 as Director of Business Development and was named Vice President of Business Development in 2015. In the past five years, a2b has grown from two facilities in Georgia to operating a total footprint exceeding 700,000 square feet with facilities across Georgia, South Carolina and Utah, plus a partner location in Canada.

She served as Chairwoman of The Electronic Retailing Association’s (ERA) Membership Committee for two years, was a mentor for new ERA members, a member of the Exhibitor Advisory Committee and worked with ERA to launch The Industry Women’s Council. She also speaks frequently at industry events.

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