a2b Introduces EZ START Fulfillment

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a2b Fulfillment
Published on
August 1, 2012
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a2b Fulfillment, a third-party logistics provider with a specialty in consumer-direct order fulfillment and business support services, launches a new program called EZ START. Designed to provide DRTV marketers with a one stop, one shop, one price package covering all the back end functions of DRTV, EZ START can help get a campaign tested and started as simply as possible.

“Getting a direct to consumer campaign started is a huge project. And most marketers don’t have the understanding, expertise and even the time to deal with a half dozen back end functions”, comments Ayal Latz, President of a2b Fulfillment. “We listened to their plight, and developed EZ START to help them get through the difficult start up process as easily as possible”, boasted Latz. EZ START is designed for a start-up campaign, especially one that has testing in mind.

The program consists of an all-inclusive package of the most popular back-end functions for DR campaigns, including Fulfillment with Same-Day Shipping, Order Management, Customer Service, Payment Processing and System Set-Up and Integrations.

“EZ START is EZ to understand. EZ to implement. EZ on your budget” promised Debbie Skerly, Director of Business Development, Direct to Consumer. “When you learn how comprehensive the program is, and how low the price is, you will be delighted” remarked Skerly.

“Beyond the obvious advantages to campaign start up and testing, the program is not just limited to campaigns in test mode” Latz explained. New start-up companies as well as established companies who are outsourcing fulfillment and other back end functions like customer service, can benefit from the simplicity of EZ START”.

To learn more about a2b Fulfillment and EZ START, contact Debbie Skerly at 866-508-4295 x 211 – or Debbie@a2bf.com – and schedule an appointment during the D2C Convention in Las Vegas from September 11-13. The a2b booth number is 1020.

Media Contact:
Gary Latz
Vice President – Marketing
a2b Fulfillment, Inc.
Tel. 706-454-0195 x 210

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