7 Ways to Prepare for Shopping Days

7 Ways to Prepare for Shopping Days
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Written by
a2b Fulfillment
Published on
Jul 26, 2017
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# min

Christmas in July? Seriously?

Yes, we are only halfway through the year. But like it or not, the savvy retailers are already preparing for those crucial holiday shipping days that will be kicking off come Black Friday. In fact, a recent survey from Campaigner suggests that 62% of retailers identify early preparation as their most helpful resource for the holiday season and one in three of retailers that began preparing for the season before September reported a very successful 2016.

In other words, it pays to plan ahead!

With the customer having more power to communicate than ever before, it is important to provide the very best level of service to your customers. This not only ensures that your existing customers will be back, but also provides them an outlet to encourage their friends to buy from you as well!  You should use this to your advantage.

Ensuring customer happiness requires planning…thinking ahead to the busy Holiday shipping rush and what you can do to prepare!  This means having the right inventory, and the right team, in place.

What you will need to prepare for the Holiday Shipping Rush:

–  Order Management System to process, track and organize orders, inventory and the overall relationship with your customers.

–  Promotional Marketing on your pack slips offering your customers an incentive to come back and shop more.

–  Discounted shipping rates to reduce the cost for your customers and possibly allow you to offer free shipping!

– Same Day shipping to get your products to your customers quickly.

– An experienced Customer Service staff that can keep your customers happy and minimize returns.

–  Just the right amount of staff to provide this level of service in the busy, and off-season.

–  Just the right amount of warehouse space.

Sure you can run around getting these things together… renting warehouse space, hiring a staff, employing an order management system… OR, you can reach out to us!  Let us manage these processes for you so that you can focus on marketing, selling and growing your business!  Plus, our model converts these costs from fixed to variable making you more profitable.

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