a2b is a proud Sponsor of ERA’s D2C Convention which will be held in Las Vegas from September 16 – 18, 2014. D2C is one of the largest direct response events in the Direct to Consumer Industry, attracting thousands of Direct Response marketers.
Look for our giant sign at the event, which highlights our key advantages: Super Powerful Customer Care, Turnkey Fulfillment, Painless Set-Ups, and Cost Effective Shipping.
While at the event marketers may attend numerous presentations, sessions and discussions led by industry experts, including a2b’s own Ayal Latz, who will co-present Back End Bloopers III on Wednesday, September 17 at 2:15 – 2:30 on the show floor. The membership keeps inviting Ayal back for more hilarious, sometimes unbelievable and always avoidable situations that occur with DR campaigns.
Ayal Latz describes the session as follows:
“Can there still be more Bloopers? Oh yes, new ones are committed all the time. Our Bloopers I & II lightning sessions were smash hits. Back by critical acclaim, this informative and entertaining sequel to the sequel offers even more insights into the potential faux pas that you can prevent, instead of experiencing first hand. Back-end functions can make or break your campaign. Learn to avoid the pitfalls of the most common mistakes and oversights. Practical information delivered in a concise manner with to-the-point insight from the industry’s top back-end partners. Join this fast-paced session where you will laugh, shake your head in wonder and walk out with proven money-saving ideas. “
An additional high point of the event will be the annual Moxie Award Gala presentation on September 18th. Collette Liantonio, president of Concepts TV Productions, will be honored with the esteemed 2014 ERA Lifetime Achievement Award. Additionally, entertainment and beauty icon Susan Lucci will be presented with the 2014 ERA DR Icon Award.
Throughout the Convention, the show floor will be very active with over 100 different exhibiting companies. a2b is at booth #1121. Stop by to learn about our exciting programs.